Artwork by Syeda Mahbub

Artwork by Syeda Mahbub

A Home For Borderless Thinkers

We aim to provide a safe, inclusive & intersectional space for creative, unconventional, underrepresented people of color, to be able to share their feelings, work, opinions, experiences & identities. The topics we cover range from culture, identity, politics, and history, to personal essays, literature, fashion, art reviews, interviews & more.

We want to center, amplify & uplift silenced voices and untold stories from South Asia and beyond (both homeland & diaspora). As our name already indicates, in a world defined by its human-constructed borders, we strive towards thought-provoking storytelling, and borderless, critical and insightful content production. We aim to (re)imagine a more harmonious future for creatives around the world, through unlearning, re-shifting, accepting and practicing radical empathy towards those who feel like they don’t belong.

Our platform holds space for vulnerability and works towards creating a community in which we can feel seen & heard. In a world that's further syncing into nationalism and xenophobia, a platform that celebrates multiculturalism, mixedness, the unconventional and the undesirable, is becoming more & more necessary.